2-5 文化活动
用英语学习中国智慧 向世界赞颂中国奇迹
发布时间:2020-01-17 09:41:37   发布人:庄维来   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:772



1月13日,世外中学迎来了第24届英语节。为庆祝祖国70周年华诞,本次英语节的主题为祖国颂Ode to Our Motherland,从当代中学生的视角向全世界传播源远流长的中华文化,歌颂蓬勃进取的美丽中国。本届英语节不仅包括各年级的主题游园活动,还设立了五个分会场,为同学们提供了英语学科优秀节目混龄观摩互动学习体验的机会。


Opening Ceremony





Grade Six & Seven: Chinese stories and Chinese Heroes






Grade Eight & Nine: Chinese Wisdom and Chinese Miracles

The students in Grade Eightshowed their understanding of “Chinese Wisdom” in many different ways including acting and making speeches. The performances also involved different aspects such as technology, politics, diplomacy and so on. After watching one of the performances about architecture, XieQinyuan from Bilingual Class 4 Grade Eight said, “China has made amazing achievements in architecture. From their presentation, I realized that China’s wisdom in architecture not only made the Chinese civilization more charming, but also made great contributions to the world civilization.” Indeed, our ancestors were talented and left behind lots of things for us to learn and inherit.

The students in the ninthgrade let the audience witness the miracles Chinese people have made throughout 5000 years. China has impressed the world by making thoseChinese dreams come true, such asdiscovering artemisinin and curing millions of people, building the Great Wall in the age without a machine, etc. Every time people look down on China, Chinese people stand out and prove ourselves with these miracles. Xu Yuanyi from Class Six Grade Nine said, “Those miracles are fascinating and unbelievable. Witnessing those, I feel proud for being a Chinese.”

Without the efforts the performers made behind the scenes, the success of the festival wouldn’t be possible. Even though it was tiring to strike a balance between study and the preparation for the festival, the performers learned a lot in the process. “We certainly met difficulties while making preparations, but after we solved those problems, we found ourselves more creative.” said Sun Jiayu, from Class 3 Grade Eight.


Mini Theatre: Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Revival

In the assembly hall,a group of performersfrom Grade Seven and Grade Nine presentedtwo dramason the stage, Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Revival.

The 7th graders’ drama was based on Roald Dahl’s novel Fantastic Mr. Fox.The whole story started from the fox’s cozy little home. The foxes were planning on what to eat for dinner. Everything seemed normal, but when Mr. Fox sneaked out of his fox hole, three angry and mean farmers were waiting for him at the entrance of the hole, pointing their guns at him. Luckily, Mr. Fox was quick and bright enough to escape the shooting at the cost of his tail and dinner. That was when the tension built.

From the alert and resourceful Mr. Fox to the selfish and cunning farmers, the performers displayed the personalities of the characters vividly with their actions, intonations and facial expressions. The humorous script and acting often made the audience burst into laughter. At the end of the show, the audience had a chance to interact with the performers and act out the feelings of the characters in certain settings of the story.

“It was brilliant to act on the stage with the audience watching and laughing. My hard work finally paid off.”said Wenhao Ni from Class Four Grade Seven, who acted Bunce. Yuchen Cong from Bilingual Class Two Grade Seven played the role as Bean.When they werepreparingfor this show, they were faced with many problems. For example, they failed to findsome of the props like the shovels, so they used dustpans to replace them, which turned out to be a great idea andmade the audience laugh.“Acting is fun, and it inspires me a lot, so I ardently love acting,” he said.

Theninth graders presented a show named the Revival. The students got the inspirations from the movie The Wandering Earth. When the human beings had to migrate to their new homeland “Nieou”, they discovered the truth behind the destruction of the earth, includingthe poaching of the elephants, deforestation and the nuclear radiation. With the thought-provoking story, the performers wanted to spread the message that it was never too late for us to protect our homeland. “Since ancient times, Chinese people have believed in the harmony between human beings and nature. By reminding the people to cherish our homeland, we are also spreading our Chinese spirit,” said Zhuojun Jiang, one of the performers of the Revival from Class One Grade Nine.


The gymnasium: Traveling through the time






Music Room: Chef’s Table, Mini Lecture and Imitation Show


此后,八年级同学带来的Mini Lecture也让观众们收获颇丰,通过探讨网络暴力,同学们了解了网络暴力的危害性,以及如何预防和应对网络暴力;通过消费者心理的讲座,同学们了解了如何选择优质的产品和理智消费。




School Library: Learning in Book Sharing

In addition to food, literature is an another way to learn about culture. In the school library, students from Grade Seven and Grade Eight introduced to the audience two famous books about friendship: Wonder and Charlotte's Web.

R.J.Palacio’s book, Wonder, tells a story about a boy named August, who was born with facial differences. He was encouraged by his father to enter the school and found a bosom friend. The eight-graders told the story in a special way: TV interview. The host invited “R.J.Palacio” to her TV show, and they talked about the reasons why Palacio wrote Wonder. Other students acted out a few stories in the book.

The second book was Charlotte's Webwritten by E.B.White. After introducing the plot of this book, the students in Grade 7 designed some interactive activities. First, the audience were asked to stick the animals to the map of the farmhouse according to the instructions in the book the performers read for them. Then, they divided the audience into groups to act different characters. The most interesting part was that the audienceneeded to think of four words which Charlotte could write on the web to save Wilber's life.

The book sharing not only helps the students understand two interesting books better, but also makes them realize the importance of friendship. As the saying goes, "Use a book as a bee does flowers." There is always something we can learn from books.


Multi-Functional Room: Dubbing Show, News Broadcast and Comic Strips

A series of English performances were shown in the Multi-functional Room. The first was a dubbing show by theseventhgraders. They conveyed their open-mindedness through the dubbing for heroes such as Malala Yousafzai.

In the second session, the students from Grade Eight delivered a speech about English debating. After being shown the examples of English debates, the audience actively participated in a mock debate. When students felt afraid to speak because they were worried about making grammar mistakes or were unfamiliar with debating skills, the hostesses not only explained common terms and sentence patterns, but also encouraged students not to be fearful of challenges. "English debate gives us a window to interact with the world. Participate with an open heart, and only then can we be more flexible in the English debate.”

The third and fourth sessions were presented by the ninth graders. They combined the comic strip drawing method learned in the class with the essence of Chinese miracles, Shanhaijing, to create their own comic stories. The hosts Shen Jiani and GuShiqi from Class Three Grade Nine said, “in such a relaxing atmosphere, students can not only appreciate the miracle of the rise of Chinese comics in recent years, but also build confidence in creating Chinese miracles with their own efforts."


In this English Festival, the students have not only improved their English skills, but also inherited Chinese wisdom and witnessed Chinese miracles. They will always keep a Chinese heart while integrating with the world.




