School News
2012 St.Paul's School Group Visit WFLMS
发布时间:2012-10-12 15:04:34   发布人:匿名   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:509

2012 St.Paul's School Group Visit WFLMS  

Our school welcomed the students and teachers from St. Paul’s School just before our National Day. Students and teachers from St. Paul’s School haven’t been here for already 3 years. It’s such a joy to greet like-minded friends come from afar, isn’t it? We have known one another for only 4 days, we have planted our friendship deep in the ground, though. We, the students from WFLMS showed them the traditional Chinese culture. We treated them the same way as the way we treat our other Chinese friends. Buddies from Australia also showed us the friendly and unique culture of the foreign countries. We’ve learnt so much during the short four-day-long time. Dear friends from St. Paul’s School, we are looking forward to meeting you again!


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