Students Life
Read, Think, Get Fascinated
发布时间:2013-11-04 09:34:04   发布人:匿名   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:461

Read, Think,Get Fascinated

Crunchy Zoo is a club which focuses mainly on language studies, literature appreciation and translation. Some might not consider language and literature as significant as experimental or social sciences; nevertheless, literature is not to be overlooked for it showcases the wisdom of authors.

Language can, although not with utmost accuracy,express sophisticated emotions of human beings and thereby is praised to be one of the most marvelous inventions ever to be devised by mankind. Consequently,novels, which are the carriers of language, require thorough analysis.

Crunchy zoo held a workshop on Halloween, invitingthe Doctor of English literature from Fudan University, Dr. Ye, to lead thediscussions. It was a workshop, there were some heated discussions; not amonotonous speech. The workshop featured the novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Most of the Crunchies were stillat the level of superficial reading, so the discussions guided us to in-depthreading.

With the introduction of plot, thecharacteristics of the protagonists, themes and literary devices used in thebook, some underlying features, such as the gothic writing style and the empatheticappeal in the article, were unraveled to us. Dr. Ye provided different aspectsat which we could climb into the skin of the characters.

There you will understand that writers are muchmore than story tellers. The background knowledge about how and why the novelwas written and all those writing styles are where author pour in their effort.Readers can only fully comprehend the value of an article from a stereo pointof view

It shouldn’t be hard to understand why theworkshop rendered us fascinated by To Killa Mockingbird. Words that aren’t written on the paper speak theloudest, and that’s what Dr. Ye revealed to us.


ByLancelot Gu

Creeper@Crunchy Zoo