A trip back to past——A review about Zhu Jiao Jia
发布时间:2013-11-08 12:07:27   发布人:匿名   信息来源:暂无   点击次数:511




A trip back to past

——A review about Zhu Jiao Jia

By: MYP9-2 Sulli Zhou

On October 29, MYP9 went to Zhu Jia Jiao as an AOI trip. Zhu Jia Jiao is an ancient town located in Qingpu. It has a long and fascinating history, and it has abundant tourism resources. In 1991, it was listed as one of the four ancient towns in Shanghai. However, people name Zhu Jia Jiao as the Venice of Shanghai.

There are some distinguished landscapes in Zhu Jia Jiao such as a bridge named Fangsheng. It is the first arch bridge in Shanghai, and it is the biggest bridge, which is built with five holes, in Shanghai. Furthermore, one of the famous old streets is the North Avenue. It is designed in special but traditional Chinese architecture style, and students can feel the true feeling of the past by walking through the street. Countless traditional stores are distributed in the street, and multitude of them is about local food. Therefore, students spent great time with those delicious and typical Shanghai food in Zhu Jia Jiao. Also, the Hu Guo temple is one of the most significant sights in Zhu Jia Jiao. There are a statue, which is made by jude, of Buddha, a statue of Guanyin, and an old gingko. The last but not the least, Cheng Huang Miao in Zhu Jia Jiao is particularly magnificent because students can feel the flourish of past by observing its architecture, design, and decoration.

Overall, all of MYP9 students spend a great time in Zhu Jia Jiao because they were not only browsing the old but beautiful sights, but also feeling the sense of past, the miracle of old Shanghai, and the wonder of history.